Superhero Slash Dept.: Brotherly Love

09 Jun

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What with the incredible popularity of “The Avengers” it only figures there would be a tidal wave of slash devoted to the characters. In this installment we find Marvel’s gods of brotherly competition involved in a different sort of endeavor.

You would think that Thor would have developed a complex personality after centuries of godhood, but instead he comes across as a humorless slab of beef. Meanwhile, Loki, his adopted brother, has become a power-mad psychotic who can be charming and humorous. Their relationship is similar to Batman and Joker. The heroes are two-dimensional, but their villainous counterparts are emotionally complex. This implies that stoicism is a virtue while emotional depth is a curse only fools and murderers can embrace.

But these concerns are cast aside as the heroes and villains are reduced to mere sexual objects. Loki loves Thor’s big, hard hammer. And Thor admires Loki’s horny versatility.


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